This paper reports on an ongoing attempt to develop an author-friendly approach to procedural game dialogue generation. Various affordances of the experimental authoring tool Expressionist are appropriated to allow non-computer scientist authors to design virtual characters’ discourse and reasoning potential. The paper describes how the Hammurabi game project makes use of metadata-driven context free grammars to author virtual characters that can generate not only discourse but also context-relevant decisions. The author-friendliness and generativity of the approach is discussed.
In 2017 Workshop on Non-Player Characters and Social Believability at the 12th Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games.Hyannis:MA, 2017.
Game design, natural language interaction, dialogue systems, narrative design, interactive storytelling, conversational games, conversational puzzle, conversational move, cognitive conflict, conversation modeling, puzzle design
Lessard, Jonathan; Brunelle-Leclerc, Etienne; Gottschalk, Tim; Jetté-Léger, Marc-Antoine; Prouveur, Odile; Tan, Christopher.